Done. Un-done. Re-done. Never Done?


My Client said something to me that got me thinking about how people can get stuck thinking a certain way until someone, or something challenges it. She said to me, “I thought once I had my landscape in, I was done with it.” But that was after her Interior Decorator suggested making some changes to her home. She told me that years ago she had spent a lot of time, money, and energy creating the look for her furnishings and for some reason she thought ‘Well, now with that completed, its done. Forever.” Now, she is updating a few rooms and she wonders how long ago did it really needed to be done but she didn’t notice it. It is the same thing that happened with her landscaping.

It is funny how we can think that we won’t ever need to change the things we once loved. But things change. We change. Things around us change too. What was once considered ‘done’ eventually needs to be un-done, re-thought, and re-done. Life sneaks up on us with the need for changes. We get so distracted by the busy schedules and day-to-day demands that we may not notice that some things looks out-dated or overgrown. Worse than that, we don’t realize the effect that has had on us until we look back.

Her front yard landscape was planted 22 years ago when the house was new. The landscaper planted shrubs that were small and looked fine as young plants. Often people want a mature-looking landscape right away and that is what she got. Unfortunately, the plants were not chosen with their mature size or growth habit in mind. Slowly they grew up over the courtyard walls and obscured the entryway. The house seemed to be hiding behind large green masses. Sadly, this Client and her husband had no emotional connection and no joy in their landscape, and they didn’t even realize when that happened.

Changes emerge...This week the changes started happening. In preparing the site for my new landscape design the contractor removed the old shrubs and something amazing occurred. A big beautiful home began to emerge. The neighbors couldn’t help but notice. They said things like: “Wow, I never new there was a wall behind all of that stuff.” “Your house seems so big, and bright.” “It keeps looking better and better every time I drive by.” She smiled as she told me about these remarks. She was proud to be making improvements but also a bit embarrassed to learn what others might have been thinking for so long. “We did this when we moved in and I thought I was done,” she said, “but I was wrong. Why did I think that?”

Renewal is a healthy thing. We grow and change just like our world around us will continue to change. It is good to be connected to our environment and find the joy that is just outside our doors.

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